Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Quick And Easy Fix For Your Surgery!!!

In the last decade, surgical robots have tremendously transformed, the methods doctors used to operate and how fast a patient recovers from his or her operation. Robotic surgery permits the surgeons to become accurate while the procedure is going such as cardiothoracic surgery, but it only requires to open the size of the of the dime even in case the surgery is major. 

In a robotic surgical procedure, almost three to four robots’ arms are placed inside the patient by slitting. One arm of the robot has camera, the other two arms acts like a surgeon and the fourth arm may be used to move the blockage during the surgery. 

The control of all the four arms are in hands of surgeons and there is a surgical team near by the patient during the surgery. Robotic assisted surgery makes it easier to execute the procedure in a very minimally invasive way. This is important because minimally invasive surgery have few complications as compared to other robotic surgeries. 

However, many people are not aware of robotic assisted surgery, but there are reasons for you to know about it from your doctors if you need a medical procedure. 

Minimally invasive robotic surgery is one of the great options if someone needs a medical procedure where it is difficult for the doctors to operate. In such areas, major blood vessels can become risky to operate. Surgery on such areas would require normal slit so as to operate. 

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Road To Women’s Mental Health

Human interaction-
human interaction, although is often not heeded to, is very crucial for a person’s overall well-being. It is important for us to understand that we can do a lot better when invest on human interaction and socializing. It is beneficial in many ways, especially for our mental and social well being.

Mitigating stress-
Stress is a major problem for most people in this world. It is constant thing that hangs by all. Stress is harmful not just to your mental health but also for your physical health. You should start enjoying your work and focus more on things that you love to do. Given the time-bound or routine bound lifestyle of the contemporary scenario it becomes very important that you find ways to relax and fight stress. 

As the saying goes, ‘just relax’-
Meditation can ensure the same. It is one of the most amazing ways to relax your body mind and soul. It is also a key to happiness. Meditation is actually a very enriching exercise. It can liberate you of stress, tension and also help to be more spiritual.

Show compassion-
compassion is a healer. And in the wake up the new dawn, people are forgetting what it measn to be compassionate.  Compassion is a reciprocal thing. In other words, it works both ways. Also, when you are able to love others, when you are able to love life, and all love forms in general, you tend to love yourself. You find meaning in existence, and more importantly, you find meaning in the existence. 

For women’s wellness and Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation, consider Dr Jennifer Jose. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

All About Vaginoplasty And Labiaplasty

The primary aim of Vaginoplasty is to decrease the width of the vagina. The vaginal tissues are naturally design such that they stretch during child birth. However, overtime, it can lose its elasticity. Permanent stretching is an unfavourable condition as it can reduce vaginal stimulus and in the process can affect a woman’s desire for sex or enjoyment during sexual intercourse. In a vaginoplasty, the perineal muscles are tightened or the rear vaginal wall is repaired, which reduces the overall width of the vagina and this, in the process, leads to the tightening of the tissues in the vagina. 

  • Vaginoplasty can come in handy and can be beneficial for women who has
  • Given birth
  • for women who has experienced abscess in the vagina
  • women facing congenital problems which in turn affects the vagina, the urethra and also the rectum
  • when the woman has to deal with a rectum that protrudes into the vagina
  • the procedure is also effective when the woman has experienced trauma in the genital area because of which the vaginal structure has been altered. 
  • The procedure is also typically performed as a part of sex reassignment surgery. 

Labiaplasty is the procedure that restores the size and shape of the labia. It is natural for the labia to differ from one woman to another. It is equally natural for asymmetries to occur. Many women tend to have (naturally), excess of skin on both the sides. The excess of skin may cause discomfort while wearing skinny garments or during sexual intercourse. Hence, a woman may undergo the procedure to either reduce the size by reducing skin from each side or can achieve symmetry by reducing skin from one side. 

For vaginoplasty and labiaplasty consider Philippine Obstetrical And Gynecological Society. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Benefits Of Regular Gynaecological Examinations

Overall health-
Regular gynaecological examinations involves other assessments as well such as physical evaluation, lifestyle counselling, screening tests, immunizations, etc. the procedure also involves the monitoring of vital signs of the human body such as blood pressure and heart rate. These evaluations help in the detection of many other health conditions. Also, one has a basic idea about the physical condition of one oneself. 

Women who have had their menopause can gain insights into their reproductive health and can also deal with issues such as vaginal dryness, or pain during intercourse. 

It can also lead to early detection of complications such as colon cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes. 

These tests and evaluation help detect Gynaecological Diseases  Treatment accordingly if there is any need.

Breast health-
This is also a good way to conduct a test to determine the breast health of women to ensure early detection of breast cancer, if any, which can play a vital role in saving the life of the individual. An individual can also conduct discussions on regular mammograms during these assessments. The gynaecologist will very likely provide insights on how to perform a monthly self-breast exam. One has to put special focus on the various risk factors and of course family medical history. All these factors combined, the regular check-ups are extremely beneficial for women and can prove to be vital to their health. 

Monday, 25 March 2019

What Are The True Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation treatment is a surgical procedure that is related to the correction of various imperfections resulting in various positive changes in the vagina. The adverse effects in the vagina happen after childbirth because the vaginal muscles are over stretched and thus most of the mothers look forward to this treatment. 

The vaginal rejuvenation treatment involves modifying the size and shape of the genital area in order to provide an aesthetic look to the vagina. There are various techniques to perform this surgery. However, vaginal rejuvenation can be surgical and non-surgical. The technique that is applied to the patient depends upon the age of the patient and the structure of the vagina. This is because a female of 40 years of age will have a different vaginal structure and a 20-year female will have a different sized vagina. 

Females undergo this surgery because they want to improve their sex life and want to improve the vaginal sensations like before. This surgery has proven results, that are why, more, and more females are going for this method. 

After this surgery, the sexual activity can be started in a month. As far as the duration of recovery is concerned, it would depend from person to person. 

Reach out to us if you are looking for an ideal vaginal rejuvenation treatment in your city. 

Friday, 22 February 2019

Important Insights On Obstetrics And Gynecology

Gynecology and Obstetrics are the specialties that deal with the wellness of women. We all know that the majority of the problems with the health of the women are related to the vagina, ovaries and other intimate areas. These two specialties cover everything about the health and wellness of females. A gynecologists focuses on the pre-natal and post-natal treatment, support the pregnancy in the best way possible. While the gynecologists focus on the general health of the women, the obstetrician focuses on the female genitalia. 

Both of these specialties are clumped together because they both are involved in caring of women. Most of the gynecologists have studies obstetrics as well. The obstetrician can manage high-risk pregnancy and can check the baby if it is doing fine in the beginning. The practitioners of both of these specialties are called OB/GYN. Most of them are females only but nowadays-even males are entering this field. 

Each country will have a society to control these specialties the way we have Philippines Obstetrical and Gynecological society. The specialists provide the require care to the patients while this society keep a check if everything is going well in the country. If there are any complaints regarding any gynecologist or obstetrician, an individual can approach this society for further action. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Some Thoughts On Aesthetic Gynecology

Well, an aesthetic gynecologist can help you with anything from vaginal disorders to improving the look and feel of the vagina and even help you deal with your geriatric gynecology problems. As you age, the problems with your vagina is going to scale up only. For some women, the problems never show up and for some, the problems mess up completely with their life. 

What does an aesthetic gynecologist do?
An experienced gynecologist will help you with vaginoplasty, labiaplasty and so on when a woman wishes to improve her genital area due to the age related problems. The changes can be purely aesthetic or changing the functioning of the area. 

It is a surgical procedure, which focuses on tightening of the vagina. We already know that the vagina is stretched during sex and childbirth and it will become loose and elastic over a period of time. When the vagina is over stretched, the female can no longer enjoy sex the way she used to before. With the help of vaginoplasty, the vagina is tightened and the female can enjoy her intercourse again.

This is a procedure that aims to focus on the size and shape of the labia. Many women have additional skin folds in their intimate region and this extra skin reduces their pleasure. This procedure will remove that extra skin and make the labia more symmetrical.