Wednesday, 22 May 2019

All About Vaginoplasty And Labiaplasty

The primary aim of Vaginoplasty is to decrease the width of the vagina. The vaginal tissues are naturally design such that they stretch during child birth. However, overtime, it can lose its elasticity. Permanent stretching is an unfavourable condition as it can reduce vaginal stimulus and in the process can affect a woman’s desire for sex or enjoyment during sexual intercourse. In a vaginoplasty, the perineal muscles are tightened or the rear vaginal wall is repaired, which reduces the overall width of the vagina and this, in the process, leads to the tightening of the tissues in the vagina. 

  • Vaginoplasty can come in handy and can be beneficial for women who has
  • Given birth
  • for women who has experienced abscess in the vagina
  • women facing congenital problems which in turn affects the vagina, the urethra and also the rectum
  • when the woman has to deal with a rectum that protrudes into the vagina
  • the procedure is also effective when the woman has experienced trauma in the genital area because of which the vaginal structure has been altered. 
  • The procedure is also typically performed as a part of sex reassignment surgery. 

Labiaplasty is the procedure that restores the size and shape of the labia. It is natural for the labia to differ from one woman to another. It is equally natural for asymmetries to occur. Many women tend to have (naturally), excess of skin on both the sides. The excess of skin may cause discomfort while wearing skinny garments or during sexual intercourse. Hence, a woman may undergo the procedure to either reduce the size by reducing skin from each side or can achieve symmetry by reducing skin from one side. 

For vaginoplasty and labiaplasty consider Philippine Obstetrical And Gynecological Society. 

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