Friday, 4 September 2020

Some Important Facts Around Vaginal Rejuvenation

Well, very few people in the world know about vagina completely. Vagina is truly an amazing organ on its own and women are lucky that they have been bestowed with one by the God. Do not take vagina is just an organ for love and sex, it is much more than that. It is a part of women’s body that everyone should appreciate and love. A vagina makes you a woman; it is an organ that gives you the pleasure to be a mother, to carry your child for 9 months and giving it life. Hence, under no circumstances should you take your vagina for granted.

To take this forward, we insist you to take care of your vagina and make sure that it stays more than tiptop in more than one ways. Do you what this mean? Read ahead to know more.

As women progress ahead in the later years of their life, they not only get older but they also encounter problems with the private parts as well. Whenever a woman has problems with her vagina, it is not something that she should ignore. Instead, vagina and its problems should be always on your priority. As soon as you encounter a problem, you should try all the available options around.

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a very common term used in the gynecology nowadays. It is also known as vaginoplasty. It is nothing but a form of reconstructive plastic surgery that is performed in the vaginal canal, the vulvo vaginal structures and the mucous membrane. This surgery can be done to correct the damage done by any congenital disease or any other acquired cause. Some of the benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation are:

It helps to restore the life of a woman.

This vaginoplasty can give back the confidence to the woman that she was lacking initially.

This surgery brings the woman back to her life; she can indulge in better orgasms and sexual activities. In short, she can lead a normal life.

It is right that these surgeries are expensive but these surgeries have the power to do wonders to a woman. A woman is a pillar of the society and she cannot suffer from vaginal issues and suppress herself back every time. This is the time to gather awareness and fight these vaginal problems altogether.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

What Are The True Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation treatment is a surgical procedure that is related to the correction of various imperfections resulting in various positive changes in the vagina. The adverse effects in the vagina happen after childbirth because the vaginal muscles are over stretched and thus most of the mothers look forward to this treatment.

The vaginal rejuvenation treatment involves modifying the size and shape of the genital area in order to provide an aesthetic look to the vagina. There are various techniques to perform this surgery. However, vaginal rejuvenation can be surgical and non-surgical. The technique that is applied to the patient depends upon the age of the patient and the structure of the vagina. This is because a female of 40 years of age will have a different vaginal structure and a 20-year female will have a different sized vagina.

Females undergo this surgery because they want to improve their sex life and want to improve the vaginal sensations like before. This surgery has proven results, that are why, more, and more females are going for this method.

After this surgery, the sexual activity can be started in a month. As far as the duration of recovery is concerned, it would depend from person to person.Reach out to us if you are looking for an ideal vaginal rejuvenation treatment in your city.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Types of Gynecological Diseases And Their Treatments You Should Know About!

Apart from the usual menstruation that most of you know and go through, women face a lot more issues in their bodies than anyone can imagine. While vaginal bleeding and discharge are a normal part of their menstrual cycle, there are a lot of other gynecological problems that they often suffer from, sometimes, without even knowing of it. Let’s have a look at these different types of gynecological diseases and their treatments.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: While it is often associated with vaginal bleeding and usually thought of as a part of a women’s menstrual cycle, abnormal uterine bleeding can occur even when you are off on your menstrual cycle. These bleeding problems are caused by an imbalance in the hormones that control the menstrual cycle and are referred to as dysfunctional uterine bleeding. When vaginal bleeding is not related to the menstrual cycle, it is of increased concern. This is especially true when it occurs in childhood before menstruation has begun, during pregnancy, and at midlife, after a woman has entered menopause. Its treatment usually includes a trial of hormonal birth control using oral, injection or IUD delivery to reduce bleeding, cramps and pain. Apart from that, surgical treatments to address abnormal uterine bleeding may be the best option.

Yeast Infection: Vaginal yeast infections are a common cause of vaginal irritation. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the yeast cells that normally live in the vagina. The most common factors associated with yeast infections include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes and the use of oral contraceptives or antibiotics. Apart from that, the other factors included are perfumed feminine hygiene sprays, topical antimicrobial agents and tight, poorly ventilated clothing and underwear. However, most yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications.
Fibroid Tumors: The fibroid tumors in the uterine are nodules of smooth muscle and tissue that form within the wall of the uterus.

Uterine fibroids aren’t cancerous, but they can cause excessive and painful bleeding during menstruation, frequent urination or infertility. Until now, hysterectomy was the only treatment for fibroid tumors, however, doctors have found out that fibroids that now over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription drugs will be more than enough to treat this gynecological disease.
Endometriosis: At the end of every menstrual cycle, women go through menstruation which is how a healthy woman’s cycle should be.

However, during menstruation, they discharge endometrium, or menstrual fluid, from inside of the uterus. However, this endometrial tissue can also grow on the outside of the uterus, and it can break apart and bleed during your period. Here comes the problem for you. The blood from the displaced tissue on the outside of the uterus will have no place to go, causing the surrounding tissues to become inflamed or swollen. The inflammation may produce scar tissue, which may, in turn, develop into lesions or growths. The treatment for endometriosis has been varied over the years, for now, however, the doctors now agree that if the symptoms are mild, no treatment other than medication for the pain will be required.

As we talk about the different types of gynecological diseases and treatments, if you think you are having one of these common issues as well, you must opt for the Aesthetic Gynecologic Society of the Philippines.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

When To Visit - Gynaecologic, Oncologist Or A Surgeon?

Health issues of women are one of the big concerns which should be taken seriously. However, health issues are taken as the last priority by a woman herself. She takes care of her family, office, and sleeps less than 6 hours. She bears pain every day and hides it with a smile giving the world an example of a heavenly figure. However, health issues should not be taken less seriously by women and men as well. 

When to visit gynaecologists?
You must be aware of the word gynaecologists but not fully aware of their duties. A gynaecologist is a person specialised in dealing with health problems faced by a woman related to her reproductive parts. You can visit a gynaecologist when you are facing issues like an infection in the vagina, menstrual cycle imbalance, pregnancy months, etc. 

When to visit Oncologists?
The branch of medical science dealing with diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and care of cancer in women is known as Oncology. An oncologist is a person having sufficient qualification and specialisation in Oncology. You should visit an Oncologist when advised by the gynaecologists.

When to visit a Surgeon?
A surgeon is a person whom you should pay a visit when you are diagnosed with cancer and needs to undergo surgery. Women suffering from breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, etc. are required to undergo treatment for surgery.

There are many good hospitals and speciality centres in the Philippines dealing with women health issues and have good experts and specialists. AGSPi promotes many good Gynecologic, Oncologist, and Surgeon, in the Philippines.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Why Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery Is Important?

The birth of a child is very important and the feeling for the mother and the father is beyond expression. A new mother is always overwhelmed to hold her baby in her hands. She is so happy that she doesn’t even care what is happening to her body. There are hormonal changes when the lady delivers a baby, but there are plenty of physical changes as well. Most of the women put a lot of weight after the baby is delivered, the sagging body, stretch marks are all visible but what is not so visible is the stretch vagina. This stretched reduces that pleasure for the lady and it affects that entire cycle. 

That is why, most of the women go for vaginal rejuvenation treatment in Philippines to heal their bodies very well. There are many gynecologists who are working on newer techniques of vaginal rejuvenation to settle the woes for the lady very soon. We already know that during the physiological birth, the expansion of vagina is obvious that facilitates the presentation of the fetus. However, the vagina has the power to restore itself, but the restoration depends upon a lot of things. If a lady has conceived at an early age, the vagina will restore itself faster on the other hand, if the mother is a little old, the vaginal restoration would be persistent.

You can always reach out to us to know about vagina rejuvenation treatment and how it is going to affect your further. There are categories of this treatment and we can help you. 

Monday, 13 January 2020

101 Ways To Lead a Healthy Life As Women

In this article the focus shall be on women’s health. The idea is to ensure the maintenance of women’s health for better functioning in life. As a woman, in the contemporary world, one is bound to deal with numerous tasks and one is also bound by a rigorous schedule no different from men. It is at this juncture that it becomes very important for one to understand that taking care of one’s health is supremely necessary. Let us see what steps as women you can take to make sure that you are in good shape. For Women's Wellness Treatment, consider Dr Jennifer Jose. 

Yoga on a regular basis-
Yoga has become an integral part of your life, especially in the wake of the recent zeal towards fitness and mental health. There are reasons for why an art form, as old as yoga, is still relevant in the contemporary world. Yoga, more or less, can be defined as a way of life. It is more than just a thing to practice. It is the key to a healthy and productive life. In the wake of the modern world of rush, concrete and machine, yoga is perhaps the only route to being humane again

Yoga enhances the regulation of blood flow in the body. It improves the movement of blood in the body, especially in the hands and the feet. Yoga is an excellent means to have an excellently functional circulatory system.