Apart from the usual menstruation that most of you know and go through, women face a lot more issues in their bodies than anyone can imagine. While vaginal bleeding and discharge are a normal part of their menstrual cycle, there are a lot of other gynecological problems that they often suffer from, sometimes, without even knowing of it. Let’s have a look at these different types of gynecological diseases and their treatments.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: While it is often associated with vaginal bleeding and usually thought of as a part of a women’s menstrual cycle, abnormal uterine bleeding can occur even when you are off on your menstrual cycle. These bleeding problems are caused by an imbalance in the hormones that control the menstrual cycle and are referred to as dysfunctional uterine bleeding. When vaginal bleeding is not related to the menstrual cycle, it is of increased concern. This is especially true when it occurs in childhood before menstruation has begun, during pregnancy, and at midlife, after a woman has entered menopause. Its treatment usually includes a trial of hormonal birth control using oral, injection or IUD delivery to reduce bleeding, cramps and pain. Apart from that, surgical treatments to address abnormal uterine bleeding may be the best option.
Yeast Infection: Vaginal yeast infections are a common cause of vaginal irritation. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the yeast cells that normally live in the vagina. The most common factors associated with yeast infections include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes and the use of oral contraceptives or antibiotics. Apart from that, the other factors included are perfumed feminine hygiene sprays, topical antimicrobial agents and tight, poorly ventilated clothing and underwear. However, most yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications.
Fibroid Tumors: The fibroid tumors in the uterine are nodules of smooth muscle and tissue that form within the wall of the uterus.
Uterine fibroids aren’t cancerous, but they can cause excessive and painful bleeding during menstruation, frequent urination or infertility. Until now, hysterectomy was the only treatment for fibroid tumors, however, doctors have found out that fibroids that now over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription drugs will be more than enough to treat this gynecological disease.
Endometriosis: At the end of every menstrual cycle, women go through menstruation which is how a healthy woman’s cycle should be.
However, during menstruation, they discharge endometrium, or menstrual fluid, from inside of the uterus. However, this endometrial tissue can also grow on the outside of the uterus, and it can break apart and bleed during your period. Here comes the problem for you. The blood from the displaced tissue on the outside of the uterus will have no place to go, causing the surrounding tissues to become inflamed or swollen. The inflammation may produce scar tissue, which may, in turn, develop into lesions or growths. The treatment for endometriosis has been varied over the years, for now, however, the doctors now agree that if the symptoms are mild, no treatment other than medication for the pain will be required.
As we talk about the different types of gynecological diseases and treatments, if you think you are having one of these common issues as well, you must opt for the Aesthetic Gynecologic Society of the Philippines.
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